Home>FAQBleaching process of edible oil

Bleaching process of edible oil

March 1, 2018 16:14/ FAQ/ leave a message
Bleaching is the process operation which is carried out before deodorization.Bleaching process also named decolorization process,which is the main process in edible oil refining machine.
In addition to colouring matters, the bleaching treatment using actived earth will remove residual phosphatides, metals, soaps and oxidation products.
bleaching machine

Bleaching equipment in edible oil refining machine
Bleaching in 3 stages of edible oil refining machine :
Initial mixing of oil with bleaching earth under controlled conditions of temperature, acidity and humidity for a specific residence time.
Secondly the oil is heated under vacuum with sparge steam to ensure proper mixing with bleaching earth for a specific residence time.
Finally the mixture is pumped through hermetic leaf filters with stainless steel mesh elements followed by polishing filtration.
Spent cake is dried by steam blowing to remove the oil from the wet cake.

Related information about bleaching equipment :

Video for decolorization and deodorization process of cooking oil

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