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How to start sunflower oil business?

April 3, 2018 11:19/ FAQ/ leave a message
sunflower oil
Sunflower oil

Sunflower oil is an important edible cooking oil worldwide. Find here a detailed sunflower oil manufacturing business plan checklist for your ready reference.
Currently, Ukraine, Russia, Argentina and China are the major sunflower producing countries globally. If you live in a sunflower growing area, then you can consider starting this business.

Sunflower Oil Market Potential
Domestic demand for sunflower oil has increased in recent years as processors have built refineries and large buyers have committed to future purchases. Food processors use the oil for frying foods (including potato chips) and in salad and cooking oil, margarine, and dairy substitutes.
Sunflower oil is preferred in many high-quality dining establishments for its neutral taste. A small supply of oil is used in industrial frying applications where high temperatures require good oxidation stability. A small amount of oil is also used in cosmetics, resins, and lubricants.
Sunflower oil is valued for its light taste, frying performance and health benefits. Additionally, it meets the needs of consumer and food manufacturers alike for a healthy and high-performance non-transgenic vegetable oil. Apart from cooking oil, it has adequate demand in the cosmetics industry as well.

Sunflower Oil Manufacturing Business Plan Checklist
In starting the business, you must have a business plan in your hand. Basically, it helps to launch the business properly. Additionally, it helps to secure funding from the bank or other financial institution. You can craft the business plan of your own or you can craft the plan with the help of business plan software.
Generally, a business plan includes executive summary, business objective, mission, vision, financial plan and marketing plan. Additionally, it includes expansion plan also.

Registration & Licensing
Business registration is must in this business. It is advisable not to start the business as the proprietorship. Because the business demands capital investment and thoughtful contribution from the founders. Choose the form of business carefully and register the business according to your local federal law.
After registration, you have to concentrate on securing several licenses and permission. Sunflower oil is a food item and the manufacturing demands to license. However, it depends on your state law. Additionally, check the upcoming tax and compliance liabilities of this business.

Unit Setup
The manufacturing activity demands a space. For a medium scale operation, you will need to secure a 5000 Sq Ft space for operation. Additionally, you have to arrange utilities like electricity and water. talk to the machinery supplier to identify the electrical load requirement. Generally, it is better to have space in an industrial zone. So that, you can get the available facilities for setting up an industry.
Sunflower Oil Manufacturing Plant Cost
Broadly, this type of business demands two basic type of investment. One is fixed capital investment. It includes plant, machinery and other initial costs related to the business. The another is working capital etc. Basically, it includes raw material cost, utility bills, staffing, marketing expenses etc.
If you are looking for the funding only for machinery purchase, then you can go for hire purchase leasing. And for a working capital loan, you can avail cash credit facility from banks.

Sunflower Oil Processing Machinery
Actually, sunflower oil manufacturing plant is an integrated oil processing, refining and packaging solution. Basically, the cost of the machinery depends on the desired production output.
sunflower oil manufacturing plant
Sunflower oil manufacturing plant
Raw Material
The major raw material is sunflower seeds. Apart from this, you have to arrange the packaging consumables for your unit.

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