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How to set up and run a small scale cooking oil refining machine?

July 13, 2017 10:09/ FAQ/ leave a message
cooking oil refining machine
Small scale cooking oil refining machine

Now, small scale cooking oil refining machine is developing very quickly, and taking more and more bigger market share.How to set up and run a small scale cooking oil refining machine?First ,a small and cost effective cooking oil refining machine is what you need.Second, you need to have plenty of raw materials,such as various kinds of crude cooking oil.Finally, you must operate the machine well.

Main features of small scale cooking oil refining machine:
1.This equipment is easy operation.
2.It needs small area.
3.The oil product is good-quality.
4.It is suitable for intermittent animal and vegetable oil refining.
5.The oil needed to be refined per day is below 30 tons.
cooking oil refining machine
Small scale cooking oil refining machine in our factory

Technological process of small scale cooking oil refining machine:
1. It's a kind of intermittent small senior edible oilrefining equipment .
2. This is the special equipment for degumming,deacidification,decoloration,deodorization(senior edible oil,salad oil).
3.The complete set of small scale cooking oil refining machine includes heat conduction oil furnace,steam generator.It can process chemical refining without purchasing other pots.
4.Because deodorized tea seed oil,rice bran oil and corn germ oil etc. are with much fat or wax,they should be further dewaxing and degrease.
cooking oil refining process
Small scale cooking oil refining machine with physical and chemical refining

Main small scale cooking oil refining steps :
1. Degumming: Removing the phosphatide by adding hot water, when phosphatide meets hot water, it will become bigger and bigger, then out of tanks.
2. Deacidification: Removing the FFA by add alkali liquor (for taking neutralization reaction).
3. Decolorization(Bleaching): Remove the pigment by adding bleaching earth( it has strong adsorption of pigment), and the remaining bleaching earth will be filtrated by leaf filter.
4. Deodorization: Remove the oxide, solid particle and volatile gas.

Application area:
Plant oil,such as palm oil,soybean oil,rice bran oil etc,animal oil,oil materials with high acid value and more impurities.

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