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What is palm oil production process?

May 24, 2017 20:04/ FAQ/ leave a message
Crude palm oil production machine designed by our company can extract palm oil from palm fruit. This type of  crude palm oil production process machinery adopts mature and reasonable design, assuring high capacity of crude palm oil, low energy consumption, low cost and low environmental pollution.We are professional manufacturer of palm oil production machine,we can supply palm oil production machine with capacity 1-120tph.Next, we mainly introduction large scale palm oil production machine.
palm oil production process
Palm oil production process

The majority of global palm oil production occurs at large plantations in Malaysia and Indonesia. Producers in these countries grow very large oil palm crops, which thrive in the tropical conditions found in this part of the world. Once the fruits of oil palm have matured, crews cut them off the trees in large bunches using machetes or other tools. The fruits are collected, often by hand, and transferred to processing sites located locally and abroad. During this time, it is critical to handle the fruit with care to minimize bruising, which can negatively impact oil production.

What is palm oil production process?As a professional manufacturer of palm oil production process machinery,i will introduce to you.Hope you can understand.
palm oil production machine
palm oil production machine
Large scale palm oil production machine

First,the palm fruits go through a process known as sterilizing.This process can be done by either roasting/smoking which is done after threshing process or by steaming/boiling which should be done before threshing process.

Next, the palm fruits go through a process known as threshing, in which each piece of fruit is separated from the rest of the bunch. Large palm oil mill plant place the fruit in rotary drums to complete this process, while small palm oil production facilities perform threshing by hand.

After threshing, the next step in palm oil production involves pressing the fruit to separate the oil from the skin and pulp. Some facilities place the fruit into large rotating drums, which start to break down the fruit and release some of the oil. This is followed by pressing, wherein heavy metal plates are mechanically pressed into the fruit to squeeze out the oil. Pressing machines may use hydraulic or pneumatic power to process large batches at once. The oil is then diluted with water and filtered through a screen to help remove debris and impurities.

At this stage, the palm oil can be sold as a low-quality palm oil or sent on for further processing. For further processing of palm oil,the palm oil refining process and palm oil fractionation process is necessary.The palm oil refining process can get rid of the harmful impurities and needless substance in the crude edible oil, getting standard edible oil by utilizing the physical methods and chemical processes.
During fractionation, palm oil is heated to separates out the various triglycerides contained within. This helps to separate low-quality oil from higher quality oils, which are rich in essential fatty acids but contain less saturated fat than unpurified palm oil.

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