Home>News>DOING NewsDoing team participated 2 Days & 1 Night outward bound training in Dengfeng

Doing team participated 2 Days & 1 Night outward bound training in Dengfeng

May 16, 2018 11:13/ DOING News/ leave a message
At 7 a.m. on May 11, 2018, all the employees of Henan Doing Company departed for Wenhui Villa in Dengfeng to attend two days' outward bound training.The training of major projects to establish mutual trust and personal challenges, team communication and teamwork as the focus, with the training staff to challenge themselves, melting team, improve communication force.

choose team leaders
Choose team leaders

designing the team flag
Designing the team flag

trust full
A girl is falling down and others are preparing to support her

go over the graduation wall
All team members work together to climb the graduation wall

The above pictures includes:
1. Opening ceremony,coach's speaking
2. Grouping ,determain team name, team slogan and design team flag.
3. A series of games: Crazy Market, Trust Fall, Challenge No.1, Colorful life, Rough Road of Life and Go Over the Graduation Wall.
4.An impromptu party
5.Graduation photo

graduation photo
All team members enjoy the victory

This outward bound not only increased the cohesion of our team, but also made us realize a lot when we play games. We believe that as long as we are united, we can overcome any difficulties and our Doing Company must beome better and better. This activity for training and enhancing staff responsibility, unity, loyalty, gratitude.

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