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Sunflower oil processing process flow chart

January 21, 2019 17:59/ Industry News/ leave a message

Sunflower oil processing technology is a mature technology. The complete set sunflower oil processing process flow chart includes sunflower oil pretreatment and pressing process, sunflower oil solvent extraction process flow chart and sunflower oil refinery process flow chart. Next you will see the detail information about sunflower oil processing process flow chart.

sunflower oil processing process Sunflower oil processing process flow chart

However, the extraction of sunflower oil from the sunflower seeds is a complex process. The first stage is sunflower seeds pretreatment and pressing rocess as follows:

sunflower oil processing processSunflower oil pretreatment and pressing process flow diagram

The second stage of sunflower oil processing process is sunflower oil solvent extraction process flow chart as follows:

sunflower oil processing processSunflower oil processing process flow diagram

The third stage of sunflower oil processing process is sunflower oil refinery process flow chart as follows:

sunflower oil processing processSunflower oil processing process flow diagram

Above is a brief introduce of sunflower oil processing process flow chart, hope can solve your confusion.

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