Home>FAQHow do I calculate what capacity of palm oil processing machine I should choose?

How do I calculate what capacity of palm oil processing machine I should choose?

June 30, 2021 18:42/ FAQ/ leave a message

Many people who want to invest in palm oil processing business may have such confusions: How to start a palm oil processing plant? What machines do we need? How do I calculate what capacity of palm oil processing machine that i should choose? Today, Henan Glory Company mainly helps customers to solve the problem of how to calculate the processing capacity of the palm oil processing machine they need to buy according to their actual situation.

palm oil processing plant Large scale palm oil processing plant

1)Calculating the processing capacity of palm oil processing machine according to your palm plantation area.

Like the national conditions that most farmers in China have land in their hands, many African customers also have oil palm plantations in their hands. But the size of palm plantations varies from person to person. Although owning oil palm plantation is conducive to the establishment of a palm oil mill plant, not all oil palm plantation of any size can be used to build a factory.

oil palm plantationOil palm plantation

Here, Henan Glory Company will tell you how to calculate the processing capacity of palm oil processing machine that you should choose based on long - term experiences in helping customers to build palm oil mill plants. Such as, If you have about 110 hectares of oil palm plantation in your hands , you can choose to buy one set of 0.5tph small scale palm oil processing machine. It mainly consists of 1tph thresher, 500kg/h palm oil press machine and plate filter(6 square meters). It is a set of favorable and economic machine. By parity of reasoning, If you have around 220 hectares oil palm plantation, you need to buy one set of 1tph palm oil processing machine. If you have around 1100 hectares oil palm plantation, you need to buy one set of 5tph palm oil processing machine.
Related reading: How to start a medium scale palm oil processing plant in Nigeria?

2)Calculating the processing capacity of palm oil processing machine according to your daily processing capacity of palm fruit.

Besides that, we can calculate and choose suitable machine according to your daily processing capacity of palm fruit. If you want to process 10 tons FFB(fresh palm fruit bunches)per day, you work 12 hours per day, it is suitable for our 0.5tph palm oil processing machine, which includes 1tph thresher, 500kg/h palm oil press machine and plate filter(6 square meters). If your daily processing capacity is determinate, but you have difficulty in calculation, you can contact Henan Glory Company, we can help you calculate and provide you with suitable equipment.
palm oil processing machine0.5tph small scale palm oil proccessing machine

3))Calculating the processing capacity of palm oil processing machine according to how many tons of palm oil do you want to get.

Finally, we can calculate and choose suitable machine according that how many tons of palm oil do you want to get.

In order to calculate how many tons palm fruit bunches are needed to produce 1 ton of palm oil? We need to know the proportion of palm oil in the whole palm fruit bunch. According to the following formula, we can know that the proportion of palm oil in the whole palm fruit bunch is 26%. That is to say, theoretically, one ton of palm fruit bunch can squeeze about 260 kg of palm oil, but if your processing raw material is palm fruit, the proportion of palm oil in palm fruit is 26% / 65% = 40%. It is easy to calculate that you can get about 400 kg of palm oil per ton of raw material. Based on the above calculation, we can realize that that the palm oil processing plant project has very high economic efficiency and is worth putting into production.

The equation for the proportion of palm bunches and the processed ingredients of each part is as follows:

100% palm bunches = 35% empty bunches + 65% palm fruit = 35% empty bunches + 26% palm oil + 26% dry materials + 13% nut.
palm oil processing machineThe proportion of each part of palm fruit bunches

Do you have any difficulty in calculating the processing capacity of palm oil processing machine? Do you want to choose the most suitable palm oil processing machine to start your palm oil processing business? Do you want to get the most detailed and comprehensive palm oil mill plant design, installation, technical consulting service? Welcome to contact Henan Glory Oils & Fats Engineering Co., Ltd, all of these things can be achieved.

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