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How to extract peanut oil from peanuts?

September 11, 2018 19:42/ FAQ/ leave a message
Peanut oil production line also named complete set peanut oil making machine is open for producing natural and qualitative vegetable oil from high quality seeds of different kind of plants, such as sunflower, sesame, soybean, palm, cotton, peanut, rape and others.
Peanut oil production line includes few processes: peanut pre-treatment and pre-pressing, peanut oil solvent extraction plant and penaut oil refinery plant:
peanut oil production machine
Peanut oil production machine with 1-5tpd

On the first stage the peanuts are going through cleaning, hulling, crushing,  softening, flaking, cooking, pressing and filtering. For this process different types of pressing systems are used, according to a volume of output you need and also according to a type of seeds you are using to get certain oil. The peanut pre-treatment and pre-pressing workshop as a rule contains a cleaning sieve, screw elevators, a cooker, a presser, a filter and a refiner. It all depends on a model and design, which different companies can provide you. All oil seeds are going to a cleaning sector and after step by step to each mentioned sector to be ready for a next stage.

The second stage includes extracting, removing the solvent nature, evaporating, stripping and solvent recycling. Extraction process is the process, which means the separation oil from seeds. The pre-processed seeds are treated in a multistage counter current process with solvent. Then oil and solvent are separated by distillation. The solvent going into the extraction recycle process and the crude oil is ready for a next step. This process will keep production safety and provides a good quality.

The last stage of peanut oil production line provides degumming & deacidification, decolorization, deodorization, etc. On the stage of degumming the oil separated from sand, after which it gets to be free from free-fatty acids and color pigments. Then the smell and odor are removed from the oil, because many seeds have special odors and smells, which many people don't like. So, that will allow getting a high quality production of oil.

For small scale capacity, we will recommend small scale peanut oil production line for you:
Small scale peanut oil production line is very comfortable for small family business. For that line it is required only 2-3 persons. This line requires also a smaller space for machines, which are cooker ,peanut oil press machine, oil filter machine and so on, of different designs from different producers, but making all these three processes, same as big plants are doing, and it will give a wonderful output.

Small scale peanut oil production line is a wonderful opportunity to get a high quality vegetable oil inside of small family factory, without using so much space, time and sources for workers.

small scale peanut oil pressig line
Small scale peanut oil pressig line

So, the main positive features of a small scale peanut oil production line are:
    Simple structure
    Saving of energy
    Small size, light weight, small occupation area
    Low investment
    It is easy to operate and not difficult to maintain
    Stable and durable

Note: But to operate this line you need to follow the instructions about how to keep all machines in order, how to operate the step by step process, and, of course, to get a good oil you need to use high quality seeds.

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