Home>FAQProcess flowchart for sunflower oil production

Process flowchart for sunflower oil production

February 5, 2018 17:12/ FAQ/ leave a message
To meet every client's requirements, we offer a wide range of sunflower oil production machine of different capacities.Complete set of sunflower oil production machines includes four workshops : sunflower oil pretreatment & pre-pressing workshop,sunflower oil extraction plant workshop , sunflower oil refining workshop and sunflower oil dewaxing workshop.
sunflower oil production machine
Sunflower oil production machine
1,Sunflower oil pretreatment & pre-pressing workshop;
A——Flow chart
Sunflower seeds→Cleaning screen → Destoner → Husking machine→Kernel/husk separating machine → Cooking →pre-pressing→crude sunflower oil +sunflower cake
B——Main equipments in sunflower oil pretreatment & pre-pressing workshop
sunflower oil production machine
Sunflower oil production machine

2,Sunflower oil extraction palnt workshop;
A——Flow chart
Solvent extraction system→D.T.D.C system→Condenser system→Recovery system
B——Main equipments in sunflower oil extraction workshop;
sunflower oil extraction plant
Sunflower oil extraction plant

3,Sunflower oil refining workshop;
A——Flow chart
Crude sunflower oil→Degumming → Deacidification → Decolorization → Deodorization → Refined edible oil
B——Main equipments in sunflower oil refining workshop;
sunflower oil refining machine

4,Sunflower oil dewaxing workshop;
A——Flow chart
Refined sunflower oilheating Heat exchanging Cooling Crystallizing MaturatingFiltering Heat exchanging Final edible oil
B——Main equipments in sunflower oil dewaxing workshop:
1. Cooling system
2. Heat exchanger
3. Cystallizers
4. Maturators
5. Filters

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