Home>FAQWhat is the component of sunflower oil making machine?

What is the component of sunflower oil making machine?

January 30, 2018 16:57/ FAQ/ leave a message
sunflower oil making machine
Sunflower oil making machine

We can supply small size, medium size and large size sunflower oil making machine according to the customer requirements. Our small size sunflower oil making machine requires little initial investment and a minimal workspace, but performs all functions necessary for edible oil processing. The whole sunflower oil making machine can also process other vegetable plants besides sunflower seed, for example, it can extract oil from peanut kernels, rape seeds, cotton seeds, sunflower seeds, corn seeds, palm kernels and sesame seeds.

Brief introduction of sunflower oil making machine:
Small size sunflower oil making machine:
sunflower seeds→cooking machine→pressing machine
sunflower oil making machine
Small size sunflower oil making process

Medium size sunflower oil making machine:
sunflower seeds→cooking machine→pressing machine→filtering machine→refining machine →filling machine
sunflower oil making process
Medium size sunflower oil making process

Large size sunflower oil making machine:
Sunflower seed pretreatment & pre-pressing process:
Sunflower seeds→cleaning machine → crushing machine →softening  machine →flaking machine →cooking machine →pressing machine→crude sunflower oil
sunflower oil making process
Sunflower cake solvent extraction process:
Solvent extraction system→D.T.D.C system→Condenser system→Recovery system
sunflower oil extraction process
Sunflower oil extractiopn process
Sunflower oil refining process:
Crude sunflower oil→ Degumming →Deacidification→Decolorization →Deodorization →refined sunflower oil
sunflower oil refining process
Sunflower oil refining process

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