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How to start an edible oil mill plant?

June 12, 2017 15:26/ FAQ/ leave a message
Factors need to be considered when setting up an edible oil mill plant?
The process of setting up the edible oil mill plant requires has some factors which have to be considered. The following are the major steps that have to be taken in ensuring successful setup and running of the edible oil mill plant.
edible oil mill plant
Factors for settting up an edible oil mill plant

Research on the requirements in terms of market size, competition, capital, trends, and additional insights on the business is very important. In other words, you need to visit famous websites so as to gather concise information on the economic statistics regarding edible oil mill plant businesses in the region .This can be done through the online searching or visiting the business premises personally to gather more information on the establishment and running of the business.

2. Prepare Business Plan
The plan should have details on; finances, location proposal, start-up capital as well as cost of operation; targeted market e.g. manufacturing companies or food industries and strategy for marketing of the products. It is very important to acquire the requisite funding as well as business requirements. In terms of expenditure you have to consider the transportation cost- not unless you have your own farm- also factor in testing process before selling and the cost of extraction.

3. Research on Laws
Conducting business within the provisions of the state/regional laws is very important. Additionally, make sure that the environmental laws are clearly understood because, if they are not well adhered to they can lead to the closure of the factor. This is with regard to industrial waste management in the area. Greatly, you have to acquire authentic permit and license from the local county licenses department. This will ensure that your factory in legally accepted. Make sure you have registered your business name with the department.

4. Factory Site Location Selection/Identification
When selecting the location, ensure that it is near the source of the required raw materials. for example, vegetable farm or olive plantation. This is to cut down on the transportation cost. Water supply to the factory is another important factor to consider when setting up the edible oil mill plant.

5. Equipment Purchase and Installation
You will have to conduct thorough research on the necessary equipment for the edible oil mill plant. After you have identified them, go ahead and purchase them. Bear in mind that the cost of the material depends on the model.

6. Employee job Vacancy Advertisements.
After everything has been finalized from plan to setting up of the factory, you have to look for the competent work force. This is achieved through job advertisements. You have to elaborate clearly on the job qualification requirements to ensure that the employees who will work in the factory have the necessary competence and experience in the process of oil extraction. Through the media, you will be able to identify your preferred candidates. But there has to be an interview before final selection.
Main Equipment included in the Oil Mill Plant:
The edible oil mill plant has an equipment which is very important. Without which the extraction process can’t go on. Different edible oil mill plant will definitely have different equipment applications, but, this equipment is “key” to any complete factory. This equipment is the oil press machine,oil solvent extraction plant and crude oil refinery plant.

Regardless of the raw material that you will be dealing with the edible oil mill plant is a must inclusion.
edible oil mill plant
Main equipments in the edible oil mill plant

The following is a simple guide to the stages involved in the process of oil extraction.
a) Pretreatment and pre-press section. This involves; oil seeds cleaning machine, oil crushing & conditioning, Oilseed flaking, Oilseed cooking and Oilseed pressing.
b)Solvent extraction section. This involves the following apparatus; Oilseed Extractor, Solvent Evaporator, the Oil tank, Desolventizer Toaster, and Oil Stripper.
c) Oil refinery section:degumming process,deacidification process,decolorization process,deodorization process and dewaxing process or fractionation process.
d) Refining of Oil. The following steps are involved; Oil Degumming, Oil Bleaching, Oil Deodorization, Oil Neutralization, and Oil Dewaxing.
e) Filling of Oil. This is the final stage in the process. The following machines are involved; Auto Oil Filling Machine, Auto Inkjet Printer, Semiautomatic Blow Molding Machine, Auto Linear Sealing Machine, and Auto Labeling Machine.

There you have it, a comprehensive guide to starting an Oil extraction Factory. All the information you would require i.e. factors to consider when setting up the factory, the main equipment of the factory and the process of Oil extraction.
If you have ever thought about starting an oil extraction factory that will serve your daily oil necessities as well as cater for the supplies in your regional market, you are indeed at the right place. Remember this is a splendid opportunity for you to make an awesome amount of profit.

Oil consumption rates are on an increase. This has been brought about by the improvement in human economic welfare levels. Oil has a lot of uses like in plastics production, cooking among others.

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