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What is refined oil?

June 12, 2017 15:49/ FAQ/ leave a message
edible oil refining machine
Edible oil refining machine

Refining is an essential process for a complete edible oil processing line because there are still some impurities such as phospholipids, FFA, pigment, odor, etc. in the crude oil.Refined oil is the oil that is processed by oil refining equipment.After oil refining process,The refined oil has high quality and is good for long time storage. The edible oil refining machine is suitable for rapeseed oil, cotton seed oil, soybean oil, peanut oil, etc.

Henan Doing  Company, is a professionla manufacturer and exporter of edible oil refinery plants and occupies a prominent place in the China oil refinery field. All the refinery plants designed and supplied by us have the low-operating cost and deliver the excellent refining solutions.
The edible oil refining process consists of different sections such as Dedumming, Neutralization, Bleaching, Deodorizing and Winterization.
Different equipments such as neutralizer, bleacher, deodorizer, cooler, heat exchanger, vacuum equipments, plate and frame filters, pressure leaf filters, thermic fluid boiler, cooling tower, valves and pipelines etc. are used with the batch process.

Process description for the edible oil refining machine:
Following are the basic processes of edible oil refining machine:
 edible oil refining process
Edible oil refining process

Neutralization Process
The crude oil is pumped to Neutralizer from oil mill or storage tank & first it is treated with weak solution of phosphoric acid or other suitable degumming agent for removing gums. Neutralizer is used remove the Free Fatty Acids (FFA) by adding caustic soda. Oil is heated up to about 60°C by heating coils and oil is stirred by the stirrer. The chemical reaction between free fatty acid and caustic soda forms the soap stock. This soap stock is allowed to settle down in the neutralizer from where it is collected into the soap pans. The oil is then washed with hot water to remove traces of soap particles and free alkali.
Bleaching Process
In the bleaching process, excess color from the oil is removed. Neutralized oil is heated in the bleacher vessel to remove excess moisture and thereafter it is treated with a measured quantity of bleaching earth and activated carbon. Nextly oil passes through a filter to separate bleach earth and bleached oil. Oil obtained after bleaching process is light in color and has good golden type appearance.
Deodorization Process
The deodorization process removes odor from the oil to improve the quality and self-life of the oil. The clean bleached oil is heated in the deodorizer to remove all the odiferous material such as phenols, ketones, tocopherols, aldehydes etc. The oil is heated in the deodorizer above 110°C through thermic fluid coils and then live steam is given to the oil from the bottom steam nozzles and temperature of oil is raised up to 200 to 220°C through thermic fluid coils. Entire process is done under high vacuum. Thus smell is removed from the oil in the deodorizer.
Cooling Process
The deodorized oil needs to be cooled at the atmospheric temperature to avoid oxidation. The deodorized oil is cooled in the cooler vessel. The water circulating coils take away the heat and the oil is cooled.
Once the process cycle is complete the oil obtained will be RBD oil which is light in color. After cooling it will pass through polishing filter to obtain sparkling light color & odorless oil for packing, which will be used as final edible oil for cooking.
De-waxing Process
Dewaxing process is carried out for Sunflower and Rice Bran Oil as they contain waxes compared to other oil. This wax is removed by the dewaxing process. The oils are subjected to winterization process. The oil is first processed in the crystallizer where it is cooled by chilled water circulation. Low temperature results in the formation of crystals which are removed in the filtration process.
Thermic Fluid Boiler, Vacuum Pump, Barometric Condenser, Catchalls, Steam Generator etc. play their role in the refining process. So these equipments are part of the refinery and connected with the vessels through pipelines.

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